Kwadron Tattoo Cartridges

Kwadron Cartridge - Round Liner - 20 pcs
Kwadron Cartridge - Round Liner - 20 pcs
25,00 € - 33,00 € *
Lots in stock
Kwadron Cartridge - Turbo Round Liner - 20 pieces
27,00 € - 33,00 € *
Lots in stock
Kwadron Cartridge - Empty Round Liner - 20 Stück
27,00 € - 36,00 € *
Lots in stock

Kwadron Cartridges: The Future of High-End Solutions in Tattooing

Kwadron Tattoo Cartridges & Needle Modules

More than just a brand name... The globally operating manufacturer Kwadron, based in Poland, offers high-quality processed cartridges with excellent quality and maximum comfort for every tattoo artist. The renowned company has been offering popular needles in the global market for many years and stands for high standards and the highest quality. When it comes to modern visual art, for which tattoo motifs stand, users should make no compromises and rely on top products.

The Kwadron needle modules, which have become indispensable as tattoo supplies, are made of medical-grade and also very high-quality plastic. The cartridges incorporate very sharply soldered needles. The modules are all extensively sterilized with EO gas and are usually packaged in sturdy individual boxes. The cartridges are for one-time use, but are easy and very safe to handle.

The first accessory that made Kwadron famous were indeed tattoo needles. The surgical-grade stainless steel was hardened and sharply ground then as it is today. The whole purpose is to minimize so-called needle abrasion to an absolute minimum. Permanent sharpness during tattoo sessions is thus ensured. Flawless results and consistent quality are guaranteed this way.

Tattoo needles from this manufacturer are available in various sizes and types. Whether it's the technique used or the preferred style, with Kwadron modules, you simply can't go wrong. Thanks to an integrated stabilization system, the brand's cartridges and needles also withstand longer sessions. New ones can be purchased around the clock at the next tattoo supply shop.

Kwadron Tattoo Needle Modules at a Glance

Kwadron's cartridges are available as Round Shader, Magnum, Round Liner, Flatshader, and Soft Edge Magnum. These can be purchased in almost any Kwadron tattoo supply shop.

Round Liner

  • Soldered tips
  • Optimal line thicknesses
  • Low ink requirement

Round Shader

  • Thick lines and shading can be realized with it
  • Filling areas using colors


  • Usable over large areas
  • High incorporation of ink
  • Less strain on clients

Soft Edge Magnum

  • Even distribution of colors
  • Hardly harmful to the skin
  • Optimal performance with gentle incorporation of ink


  • Flat working is possible
  • Optimally adjusted line guidance
  • Designed for color fillings as well as shading

Kwadron Needle Modules - Sizes and Selection

Buy Kwadron Tattoo Cartridges & Needle Modules

At respective dealers, there is usually a wide selection of Kwadron brand cartridges. Interested buyers can choose between different settings and configurations. Types such as Round Shader, Magnum, Soft Edge Magnum, Round Liner, and Flatshader are a classic part of Kwadron needle modules. Typically, 20 tattoo needles are combined in one box.

Various needle thicknesses from 0.25 mm to 0.35 mm are available. These are the most common and frequently used in tattoo supplies found in practice and application. In general, it can be said that tattoo supplies, especially in this area, are very high. The appropriate accessories can be easily ordered offline or online in the trusted tattoo supply shop.

Differences in strengths:

0.25 mm

  • Smallest of the needle strengths
  • Very slow flow of ink for intricate tattoos

0.30 mm

  • Desired needle strength
  • Medium product size
  • Controllable ink flow

0.35 mm

  • Highly sought-after strength
  • Used for, e.g., traditional tattoo motifs
  • Line works are well realized with it

What to Consider When Buying and Using Kwadron Cartridges?

First and foremost, it must be ensured that the tattoo artist knows what kind of tattoo machine he has. After that, the cartridges must also be selected and ordered. There is nothing worse than the respective needle module not fitting into the machine. In wholesale, very large discounts can sometimes be achieved compared to the local tattoo supply shop around the corner.

Tattoo artists who often and gladly tattoo, convinced of their own work, usually order larger quantities to benefit from sometimes juicy discounts. It is always said that the biggest success lies in purchasing, as long as a tattoo artist acts commercially.

When buying, attention should be paid to the packaging and correct storage of the modules, as long as the customer gets an insight into this area. Damaged packaging and incorrect storage can impair and endanger the functionality of the needles, modules, and accessories, and in the worst case, also the health of their own customers.

Price comparisons are always worthwhile when it comes to tattoo supplies. Due to high competitive pressure and seasonal fluctuations, dealers, especially online, often offer large discounts. However, as a tattoo artist, one should always keep an eye on the market prices, as there are always dealers who first artificially raise prices and then call out juicy discounts a few days or weeks later.

An important but often underestimated aspect is the expiration date and durability of modules and needles. Regardless of the manufacturer, the needle, cartridges, and accessories are usable and storable for several years, but under bad circumstances, this can also change quickly. With a dark, not too cold or warm ambient temperature, tattoo artists and purchasers of the accessories do nothing wrong.

What is important above all is a dry, as clean and sterile as possible storage. Purchased packages should only be opened when it is planned to use or consume the contents soon. Although it makes sense in terms of price to buy cartridges in bulk or as a value pack, they should also be used up within a foreseeable time. Better to order more often and ensure that the used accessories can also be used safely.

One general thing to note. The use of such cartridges is a comfortable, convenient, and safe affair. In handling them, users should know what they are doing and can do with them. There is no going back for a wrongly tattooed motif, neither for the user nor the customer.

If there is no experience with new Kwadron cartridges because so far only classic and without module use has been tattooed, it is advisable to first take a course. Alternatively, seeking help from an experienced tattoo artist is no shame. This aspect should be important to you if the well-being of the customers is in the foreground.

Normally, one would think that this matter is a basic prerequisite when people tattoo other people. Unfortunately, this is not commonplace in everyday life. Only satisfied and above all healthy customers are happy to return and decide through word-of-mouth propaganda about the success or failure of a tattoo studio.

In terms of acquiring Kwadron cartridges, it remains to be mentioned in conclusion that it makes sense to also inquire about combination possibilities with other products of the brand, compare different needle lengths, and not only rely on medium needle lengths. Especially for detailed work, an adequate stock of various designs is advantageous.

Interested buyers should therefore let themselves be advised in peace or contact dealers on the Internet and ask for advice if the order is to be made online. Better to ask more questions beforehand than to realize afterwards that the product does not meet the needs you wanted to satisfy. Those who consider these points, which are not to be taken for granted, can basically do nothing wrong.

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